The grants will back projects that construct wildlife crossing overpasses and underpasses, fencing and related structures to safely connect natural habitats across public highways.
The plan will initiate development on four tollway goals: connecting infrastructure, improving freight and driver mobility, modernizing the tollway system and preparing the sector for tomorrow
The Countywide Transportation Plan will focus on enhancing mobility, improving air quality and preserving quality of life for Marin’s current residents and future generations to come.
This second round of NEVI funding is focusing on locations south of Interstate 84, which includes the lower Hudson Valley, New York City and Long Island.
The Rapid Green Line is designed to deliver convenient, high-frequency transportation options for the residents and jobs located along the 10.35-mile corridor.
The grants will go toward states’ innovative strategies to improve public safety and transportation efficiency on the nation’s most congested roadways.
The county will use the funds to reconstruct and widen the Jackson interchange along the Interstate 10 freeway to address traffic congestion, improve mobility and enhance safety.