Veronica Piscitelli Palm Springs City Council approves $2.2B airport expansion The project includes two phases, which will attempt to improve the airport’s infrastructure and support a growing tourism industry.
Keaton Peters MIA’s $9B upgrade set to transform airport experience through 2031 Last month, Fitch Ratings assigned an 'A+' rating with a stable outlook to the airport's bond issuance for capital improvements.
Miles Smith New York to invest $150 million to link railway with MacArthur Airport The project is designed to improve the passenger experience and reduce travel times.
Miles Smith Maryland investing $41.5 million for BWI airport improvements The construction projects are designed to elevate the passenger experience while expanding essential capacity for airline operations.
Miles Smith Bids sought for airport expansion project in Nebraska The airport has secured more than half the funding needed for the project. The remaining funding will be sourced from airport revenues and bonds.
Keaton Peters North Las Vegas Airport kicks off master plan update This will be the first update to the airport's master plan since 1988.
Keaton Peters Palm Springs approves airport expansion plan The Palm Springs city council unanimously approved a master plan that will help the facility handle twice its current passenger volume.
Brady Pieper FAA awards $80 million for new taxiway at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport The funding to advance the Sky Harbor International Airport Taxiway Uniform Taxiway U project in Phoenix.
Brady Pieper $332 million in grants available to modernize airport infrastructure nationwide Airports can use program funds for projects such as terminal expansions, baggage system upgrades and runway safety improvements.
Brady Pieper FAA awarding millions in grants for air traffic control tower upgrades at U.S. airports These aviation grants will fund a range of improvements at smaller and regional airports, from replacing outdated air traffic control equipment to rehabilitating existing control tower structures.