The projected ending balance for 2024-2025 includes $4.5 billion in unspent contingent appropriations for public education and education savings accounts.
The State Center complex, originally proposed for redevelopment in 2006, was envisioned as a public-private partnership to modernize and transform the site.
California – A $49.6 grant from the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) will soon help Merced County build an on-site inland port and further develop its rail district. The funding comes from a $1.2 billion state plan to improve freight infrastructure, support goods
Pennsylvania – The Multimodal Transportation Fund is distributing $49.6 million to fund 58 transportation infrastructure projects in 37 Pennsylvania counties. Approved projects were selected based on safety benefits, regional economic conditions, technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency and operational sustainability. The
California – The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Pure Water program recently got a shot in the arm of $80 million from the state. This project aims to turn wastewater into drinking water. Pure Water Southern California currently has a demonstration facility