The grants will support projects in school districts across the state that are either building new preschool classrooms, expanding existing facilities or renovating older structures.
With extreme weather putting unprecedented stress on roads, transportation officials are racing to modernize infrastructure before deteriorating conditions impact safety.
The city of Ventura will invest $60.4 million in the VenturaWaterPure program, providing critical treatment services for water discharged into a nearby river estuary.
This financial support will help realize university-led projects designed to create a more vibrant, integrated and student-focused campus while continuing to contribute to the broader downtown Atlanta community.
MDOT is looking for development teams with a track record in partnering with public sector agencies in delivering transit-oriented developments and affordable housing.
These aviation grants will fund a range of improvements at smaller and regional airports, from replacing outdated air traffic control equipment to rehabilitating existing control tower structures.
From the new funding, $145 million will be issued as loans, while $59.2 million will be allocated through a combination of grants and loans with principal forgiveness.