Mary Scott Nabers Federal funding supports historical preservation projects nationwide Projects create jobs, boost local economies, raise property values and please citizens
Mary Scott Nabers Funding surge sparks wave of courthouse construction, renovations Old courthouses need modern technology, upgraded HVAC equipment, safety upgrades and renovations to provide access to the services mandated by the American Disability Act
Mary Scott Nabers Carbon emission concerns changing delivery requirements for construction projects Several upcoming projects focus on four carbon-intensive construction materials: asphalt, concrete, glass and steel
Mary Scott Nabers Water, water everywhere – Almost all of it will be upgraded soon Almost $6 billion is available for every state and territory for water projects; contracting opportunities are being announced weekly
Mary Scott Nabers Private-sector partners for EV charging infrastructure are in high demand Every trend indicates increasing demand for EV charging infrastructure throughout America
Mary Scott Nabers Billions in savings possible with preemptive seismic upgrades to U.S. infrastructure The need to address the vulnerabilities of older construction is critical because these are the structures most vulnerable to earthquakes
Mary Scott Nabers U.S. cities investing heavily in public safety infrastructure renewal Local government officials are working hard to find the required funding for fire control infrastructure
Mary Scott Nabers No end in sight for water projects nearing the launch stage Congress allocated $55 billion through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for water projects throughout America
Mary Scott Nabers $122 billion for schools sparks P3 boom, but deadline looms Revenue from federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief program must be obligated by Sept. 30, 2024
Mary Scott Nabers These projects are eligible for billions in federal funding Funds support efforts to clean up dangerous environmental conditions and pollution caused by coal mining operations