New healthcare facilities and hospital expansion projects will launch soon in numerous states with more on the way
Paul Stinson New York town approves $35 million school improvement bond Bond prioritizes four areas to improve campuses: health and safety, aging infrastructure, accessibility and programmatic needs
Gracie Warhurst Pennsylvania pledges $175 million for school safety repairs Competitive grant programs will help districts, career and technical centers and charter schools improve facilities
Adam Rollins Missouri town approves $100 million school infrastructure bond Funds will be used to build a Career and Innovation Center, build performing arts facilities and improve existing school facilities
Paul Stinson $120 million to build Texas elementary school, sports facilities up for vote Projects will address anticipated enrollment growth and the need for on-site athletic facilities
Adam Rollins New Jersey school district planning $75 million improvement project Plans include building a suite of kindergarten classroom and updating existing facilities at eight campuses
Government Market News Staff Wichita State University reopens bids for stadium renovations Despite only receiving a single bid for Phases 1A and 1B in mid-December 2023, WSU is reopening the bidding process to hire a dedicated construction manager
Paul Stinson Ole Miss receives $245 million to increase student housing, renovate facilities University to add almost 1,000 beds, build a softball stadium, renovate women’s athletics facilities, improve arts buildings and renovate a hall
Paul Stinson Colorado town spending $95 million to expand schools, upgrade safety Voters approved the projects as part of a 2022 bond package; construction will begin this year
Paul Stinson $62 million bond package would fund school projects in Washington town Projects will increase safety and security while providing space to maintain smaller class sizes
Paul Stinson $218.1 million package would expand Texas school district’s facilities Projects will accommodate student growth and expand recreational opportunities