The state is being allocated the funding to deploy or upgrade broadband networks to ensure that everyone has access to reliable, affordable, high-speed internet service.
Applicants can secure funding through three main topical areas: Carbon Capture Demonstration, Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Projects and Infrastructure Planning and Design.
The funding represents the largest investment in American transportation infrastructure since the construction of the interstate highway system in the 1950s and 1960s.
Eligible projects include those that expand or establish new intercity passenger and high-speed rail service, improve the performance of existing service and/or replace or rehabilitate rail infrastructure.
Smaller water systems often encounter specific financial and operational hurdles, such as outdated infrastructure, worker shortages, rising costs and shrinking rate bases.
The EPA’s Brownfields Program provides technical and financial assistance for brownfield activities that protect human health and the environment, encourage sustainable reuse, promote partnerships and strengthen economies.
This initiative aims to create over 4,000 new housing units for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.