This story was originally published in the Government Contracting Pipeline newsletter from Strategic Partnerships, Inc. To have the latest government contracting news stories from across the country delivered straight to your inbox, click here to subscribe.
Whitnall School District (WSD) in Wisconsin will spend $79.1 million to renovate outdated school facilities, replace aging systems and expand educational and recreational spaces. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.
The projects will focus on four campuses with infrastructure and amenities that have outlived their life expectancy. In addition, the WSD will perform districtwide upgrades to ensure all buildings are ADA-compliant and have fully updated infrastructure. These upgrades include replacing major systems, aging roof sections, windows and wall panels.
Whitnall High School has the single highest number of needs requiring district support. Currently, the building is not energy efficient, has antiquated layouts, unsafe gym bleachers, outdated equipment, a deteriorating auditorium and a failing pool structure.
The district will renovate the facility’s science labs and kitchen and update the auditorium and gymnasium. Whitnall High School will also have its locker rooms and restrooms renovated and the current pool converted into a weights and fitness area, wrestling room and multi-purpose space. An eight-lane competition pool with diving boards and spectator seating will replace the old pool.
Edgerton Elementary School lacks the space needed to support quality education, requiring teachers and students to use every available space in the building and share facilities to meet needs. Rectifying this issue will require the district to build larger classrooms and reconfigure the main office. Plans also include separating the gym and cafeteria with a new dedicated facility for both, alongside updating the kitchen.
Most district buildings either have inadequate or no systems – such as air conditioning – to maintain comfortable environments for students and faculty. Hal Corners Elementary School has some sections that date back to the 1950s which lack these critical amenities. The district plans to modernize the building by replacing roof sections, adding air conditioning to select areas and the gymnasium, replacing failing windows and wall panels and making second-floor restrooms ADA-compliant.
Whitnall Middle Schools needs the fewest repairs, replacements and renovations. Alongside roof replacement, WSD will renovate the locker room restrooms and replace bleachers to comply with ADA regulations.