Tennessee DOT P3 Executive Director: ‘Get the big ideas right’

Profiles in Power highlights public officials nationwide who are improving their communities through their dedication, enthusiasm, creativity and experience.

This week’s profile is Bryan Ledford, Executive Director of Public Private Partnerships with the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

Public career highlights and education: As executive director of TDOT’s P3 program, I work with teams of internal and external partners to develop Choice Lane projects to relieve urban congestion in Tennessee. Choice Lanes are new, optional price-managed lanes designed, built, financed, operated and maintained by a private sector partner.

Previous experience spanned 35 years in the private sector as an executive manager in the highway construction and materials industry, and a partner in a design-build firm.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Louisville. I am also a Licensed Professional Engineer in Kentucky and Tennessee.

What I like best about public service: The best thing about public service is the opportunity to be a steward of public resources. Most of my career centered on maximizing return for shareholders, and now I get to focus on positively impacting the lives of 7million (or so) stakeholders.

The best advice I’ve received: Never confuse efficiency with effectiveness. We can be super-efficient at doing the wrong thing. Get the big ideas right and then focus on how to bring resources to bear in support of those ideas.

People might be interested to know that: I have a secret weapon. My wife and I started dating in high school in 1983, and she’s been my rock ever since. 

One thing I wish more people knew about TDOT: I wish folks got to see how many smart, dedicated people work behind the scenes at TDOT to keep people moving and to advance our mission – to provide a safe & reliable transportation system to support economic growth & quality of life for all Tennesseans.

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