Pete Hahnloser EPA making $7.5 billion available for water infrastructure upgrades These projects are designed to protect water resources, stimulate local economies, and generate over 60,000 well-paying jobs – all at a reduced cost.
Brady Pieper EPA awards $42 million loan for Utah’s water infrastructure Funds will be used to replace two aging, leaking water lines and to rebuild drinking water systems
Pete Hahnloser EPA awards $188 million loan to improve Florida water resilience Funds will support plans to expand several water treatment facilities, install a network of water mains and pump stations, reduce effluent discharges
Pete Hahnloser EPA awards $171 million loan to upgrade water infrastructure in Birmingham, Alabama WIFIA loan will help improve the reliability of city's drinking water supply and make it more resilient to drought
Adam Rollins Illinois water district to modernize, rehabilitate wastewater treatment plant Funds will allow district to ensure its wastewater treatment plant and conveyance systems comply with environmental regulations
Stacy Evans Silicon Valley reservoir expansion project receives $92 million EPA loan Loan funded through EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, a credit program designed to support water, wastewater and infrastructure projects