New healthcare facilities and hospital expansion projects will launch soon in numerous states with more on the way
Brady Pieper University of Colorado Regents finalize 10-year facilities plan for campus development UCCS estimates that campus facilities require $394 million in total funding due to age-related maintenance needs.
Mary Scott Nabers Large local projects to consolidate law enforcement, public safety and judicial operations can be found in planning documents throughout the U.S. Projects consolidating public safety operations will drive high demand for technology and sustainable, energy-efficient equipment.
Mary Scott Nabers Funding surge sparks wave of courthouse construction, renovations Old courthouses need modern technology, upgraded HVAC equipment, safety upgrades and renovations to provide access to the services mandated by the American Disability Act
Paul Stinson Tacoma to invest $650 million in school improvements Projects will replace or renovate 11 schools and provide districtwide upgrades to health, safety and security