People on the Move - Page 20

Patrick Jones, Ph.D. – Bucks County Community College

Pennsylvania – Patrick Jones, Ph.D., has been named president of Bucks County Community College, effective July 1. He is currently serving as chancellor of Penn State University’s Schuylkill campus. Jones will take over the post following the resignation of Felicia Ganther in December.
March 26, 2024

Dr. Lloyd Jackson – Texarkana Arkansas School District

Arkansas – The Texarkana Arkansas Board of Education unanimously approved Dr. Lloyd Jackson superintendent of the Texarkana Arkansas School District (TASD). Dr. Jackson brings more than two decades of administrative experience to the role. He previously served as associate vice chancellor of
March 25, 2024

James Beeby, Ph.D. – University of Wisconsin–La Crosse

Wisconsin – James Beeby, Ph.D., has been named chancellor of the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. He is the university’s 11th leader. Beeby is currently provost and vice president for academic affairs at Keene State College in New Hampshire. Previously, Beeby served as dean of
March 25, 2024

Owen Snyder – Leesburg, Virginia

Virginia – Owen Snyder is the new assistant town manager for the city of Leesburg. He will serve as the town’s chief financial officer and finance director and provide management oversight of the Human Resources and Information Technology Departments. Snyder’s first day will be April
March 25, 2024

Eric Hayden – Tampa, Florida

Florida – The city of Tampa has named Eric Hayden interim chief information officer. Hayden has served the city since 1986, most recently as infrastructure services manager, a role he has had for nearly 17 years. He replaced Russell Haupert in January.
March 25, 2024

Josiah Raiche – Vermont Agency of Digital Services

Vermont – Josiah Raiche will be the chief data and AI officer for the state’s Agency of Digital Services. Raiche started with the Vermont state government in 2015 as a software developer. He was promoted to director of artificial intelligence September 2022.
March 22, 2024

Sharon Kershbaum – DC Department of Transportation

Washington D.C. – Acting Director Sharon Kershbaum will be the permanent director of the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT). Kershbaum is a seasoned public sector administrator with 21 years of experience. Prior to DDOT, she worked as the chief operating officer of the DC Department
March 22, 2024

Monica Tellez-Fowler – Central Ohio Transit Authority

Ohio – The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) unanimously appointed Monica Tellez-Fowler president and CEO. She joined the authority March 2023 as chief operating officer before being promoted to deputy chief executive officer May 2023. Tellez-Fowler previously served as deputy CEO/treasurer of Clark County Public
March 22, 2024

Teri Pace Killgore – Scottsdale, Arizona

Arizona – The city of Scottsdale has hired Teri Pace Killgore as its economic development director. Killgore will leave her role as assistant city manager for Walnut Creek, California, to join Scottsdale. She brings 19 years of municipal government experience with her.
March 22, 2024

Ann Ober- Washington County, Oregon

Oregon – Ann Ober has been appointed Washington County’s assistant county administrator. Ober will begin her tenure May 1. She brings nearly two decades of government experience, most recently as city manager of Milwaukie, Oregon.
March 20, 2024
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