This story was originally published in the Government Contracting Pipeline newsletter from Strategic Partnerships, Inc. To have the latest government contracting news stories from across the country delivered straight to your inbox, click here to subscribe.
The Manhattan Beach Unified School District (MBUSD) in California will invest $200 million to build new facilities and make sweeping improvements across campuses districtwide.
The projects – covering major renovations, building construction, facility conversion and site improvements – will be spread across seven educational institutions. Mira Costa High School will oversee the construction of a football stadium, one of the largest projects approved. The district will also renovate a performing arts center, replace a swimming pool, renovate a multipurpose room and cafeteria and modernize the classroom building and administration.
MBUSD will build a classroom building at Manhattan Beach Middle School. In addition, the district will modernize the classrooms and library, renovate the administration space and renovate the gym and a multipurpose room building.
Meadows Elementary School will also receive a new classroom building, supported with additional parking and drop off areas outfitted with electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Alongside miscellaneous site work, the district plans to convert existing classrooms to serve kindergarteners. Pacific Middle School will advance projects identical to Meadows.
The largest project at Robinson Elementary School will be a two-story building that provides multipurpose rooms, food service, a media center and two kindergarten classrooms. Plans call for laying down new parking and student drop off areas, performing campus renovations and site work.
Finally, like other campuses that received project approval, the district will build a two-story building at Pennekamp Elementary School. Additional projects include converting the administration building to a new library and various site work.
Photo courtesy DocFreeman24, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons