This story was originally published in the Government Contracting Pipeline newsletter from Strategic Partnerships, Inc. To have the latest government contracting news stories from across the country delivered straight to your inbox, click here to subscribe.
The Platte Valley School District (PVSD) – located approximately 57 miles north of Denver – will invest $89.5 million to build a middle school, upgrade safety and security measures for facilities districtwide and extend the useful life of facility systems. While the project has been approved, a firm construction date has not been released.
Replacing the existing Platte Valley Middle School with a modern campus is the district’s highest priority. Currently 66 years old, the middle school has failing systems, extensive structural damage, outdated interior infrastructure and inadequate space to meet the needs of the student body.
The new school will be approximately 23% larger than its predecessor, with a capacity of up to 375 students. The building will feature a two-story commons area, a secure entryway, 25 classrooms and three science labs. The facility’s design allocates additional space for a Career and Technical Education (CTE) workshop and student support services.
To better support student activities, PVSD will create a districtwide, multipurpose performing arts area as part of the campus’ layout. Additional features include a secure outdoor learning area, dining area, kitchen, library, media center and learning commons. The existing fieldhouse will be replaced with a new fieldhouse of similar size, including two gyms and a wrestling area. Plans also account for updated locker rooms and a meeting area for teachers and staff.
The project will build a new middle school on the existing campus and demolish the existing campus after construction is completed. Demolishing the facility will leave room for a potential athletic field and related amenities.
The district will also make various infrastructure improvements to the elementary and high schools. The elementary school will receive various upgrades, featuring:
- Kitchen ventilation enhancements.
- Well repairs and maintenance.
- Playground equipment repairs.
- Refinished gym floors.
- Updated furniture and fixtures.
Improvements to the PVSD high school facility will include:
- Repairing and maintaining the roof, hot water pumps and wells.
- Remodeling the library and media center.
- Resurfacing the track.
- Refinishing the gym.
- Minor upgrades for the stadium and athletic field.
- Replacement of outdated furniture and fixtures.
Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash