First round of funding awarded through the Railroad Crossing Elimination grant program and will address more than 400 at-grade crossings nationwide over the next four years.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration will allocate $72 million to benefit port, harbor and dock improvement and development along seven Alaskan coastal communities. The funding is a part of a $653 million investment in maritime projects through the Port Infrastructure
The California High-Speed Rail Authority recently board approved issuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for the design of the track and the overhead contact systems for electricity.
Funds will cover 25 projects in several states, and will include upgrading tunnels, bridges, tracks, power systems, signals, stations and other aging infrastructure.
More than 80 initiatives will help state improve community safety and expand mobility options with new sidewalks, shared-use paths, pedestrian bridges, bikeways and other pedestrian-bike infrastructure projects.