People on the Move - Page 45

Beth Noveck – New Jersey

Beth Noveck has been appointed as the state’s first-ever chief AI strategist. She takes on the job as the state launches what Gov. Phil Murphy recently called an “AI Moonshot” effort focused on innovation in public services, health, education and other areas. Noveck

Ben Harvey – Ojai, California

California – The Ojai City Council unanimously voted to hire Ben Harvey as city manager. Harvey previously served as city manager for Pacific Grove for seven years as well as the city manager for Avalon from 2013 to 2015. He will take over the role

Steve McMichael – National League of Cities

Indiana – National League of Cities (NLC) President Mayor David Sander of Rancho Cordova, California, announced New Haven Mayor Steve McMichael has been appointed to the NLC 2024 Transportation and Infrastructure Services Committee. Over a one-year term, McMichael will provide strategic direction and guidance for

Julie Baxter Payer – Louisiana

Louisiana – Baton Rouge’s Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome has appointed Julie Baxter Payer as chief of staff. Baxter Payer is a 30-year resident of Baton Rouge who most recently served as deputy secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs. She brings extensive experience in public

Larry Lester – Monroe, Ohio

Ohio – Larry Lester, former operations director of the city of Hilliard was recently approved as Monroe’s city manager, replacing William “Bill” Brock, who served for 20 years. Lester has served as operations director in Hillard, a community with 40,000 residents, since 2020. Before
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