Adam Rollins DOI, NOAA collaborate to use satellite network to identify, track wildfires As wildfires grow in scale and severity, precise wildfire tracking will improve interagency efforts to protect public health and communities
Keaton Peters Landfills are latest target in EPA effort to curb climate ‘super pollutants’ Initiative is part of a broader strategy to address the threat of climate change by targeting super pollutants, including methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and nitrous oxide
Keaton Peters House passes bill funding infrastructure at ports, coastal regions Water Resources Development Act authorizes 161 feasibility studies for locally proposed projects and approves 12 that have already been reviewed
Adam Rollins USDOT outlines strategies to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization provides three primary strategies to mitigate GHG emissions in the transportation sector
Adam Rollins San Francisco launches world-first hydrogen-powered ferry Six-month test period will showcase how the ferry’s fuel cell technology is a viable alternative to fossil fuel-powered vessels
Keaton Peters DOE taking steps to accelerate use of AI for energy, security and scientific research Roadmap is a significant step in the government's approach to effectively implementing the rapidly evolving technology
Pete Hahnloser FEMA finalizes federal flood risk management standard Final rule applies to FEMA-funded projects that involve new construction, significant improvements or repairs to substantial damage
Miles Smith Seattle passes law allowing residential office building conversions Law builds on recent statewide and local efforts to meet Seattle’s need for more housing options
Pete Hahnloser Roundabouts significantly reduce serious-injury crashes, study shows North Dakota findings align with other nationwide studies on the effects the intersection structures have on fatal, serious incidents
Adam Rollins Massachusetts launches nation’s first networked geothermal system System will heat and cool 36 buildings using ground-source heat pumps without using fossil fuels or emitting greenhouse gases