Brownsville is planning to rebuild and reconfigure Old Highway 77, an old stretch of road that once served as the town’s main channel connecting north to south. The project is currently in its design phase, with design work set to conclude in October and bids going out in November or December. Construction will likely begin in the second quarter of 2024 using funds from the lateest Capital Improvement Plan.
The $12 million project will come in three phases and add new walking and biking amenities to the old highway. Two stretches of chronically damaged roadway will be rehabilitated, and the road will also receive a center-turn lane. City officials are also planning to urbanize the roadway by adding walking trails on either side, with one being planned for 5 feet across and the other at 10 feet.
In addition to reconstructing Old Highway 77, the city of Brownsville will also allocate funding to dozens of other road and street projects, providing overlay and milling work to different areas. Along with road projects, the city will also work to create many drainage structures, namely culverts and detention ponds, all using the same funding as from the Old Highway 77 project.