Public officials rush to launch projects that connect communities, boost the economy and stabilize aging infrastructure
America’s problems related to homelessness continue to create massive demand for collaborative initiatives
Pete Hahnloser $285 million NOFO will support semiconductor research using ‘digital twins’ Funds will help make the U.S. a leader in developing new technology and help train workers and researchers
Pete Hahnloser Penn State researchers modeling future electric-grid reliability, efficiency Research part of a federal effort to improve electrical grid reliability by integrating batteries and renewables into wholesale electricity markets
Pete Hahnloser Offshore wind auctions proposed off coasts of New England, Oregon Proposed Sale Notices are part of agency’s five-year initiative to identify viable utility-scale projects
Pete Hahnloser Pennsylvania to invest $274 million in water infrastructure projects Projects include replacing lead or corroded pipes, revamping aging water systems, growing service capacities and expanding access
Pete Hahnloser Federal initiative seeks research into agricultural robots Agencies seeking proposals that 'present a compelling vision for pioneering robots with transformative potential in agricultural contexts'
Pete Hahnloser FWS announces millions to mitigate climate change Funds will support nature-based processes to enhance climate adaptation and resilience