The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) invested $211 million in nine projects to improve water and wastewater systems, mitigate flooding and rehabilitate sewers.
The city of Dallas will receive $129.9 million in grants and financing to design and build two flood projects that will mitigate Trinity River flooding. The city will remove structures that obstruct flow, raise and flatten levees and demolish old pump stations. In addition, the city will add and renovate pump stations and improve structural controls in the sump system. Plans include building levees that will tie into the existing levee system.
TWDB will deliver $27.8 million to the city of Aledo to plan, design and build improvements for its wastewater treatment plant. The city will use the money to increase operational capacity, install lift station pumps, integrate a backup generator and build a maintenance building addition with a lab.
The Crystal Clear Special Utility District in Guadalupe County will use $18.5 million to improve its water system. Plans include building three elevated storage tanks. These tanks will add 2.5 million gallons to the system’s storage capacity. The district will also build around 14,000 linear feet of water main lines. The project includes completing three wells that were drilled and cased in 2013.
The city of Silverton will receive $15 million in financing and principal forgiveness to improve its water system. The city will drill three water wells at the Swisher County well field. The wells will integrate with the existing water supply and offer enough capacity to meet needs during droughts. Plans also include installing a pump station, a 200,000-gallon ground storage tank, 59,400 feet of transmission line, well field piping and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
The Cypress Forest Public Utility District in Harris County will leverage $10.4 million to rehabilitate its sanitary sewer. The district will start by rehabilitating outdated sanitary sewer collection lines. The district has already rehabilitated sections one through three of the sewer projects. The TWDB funds will allow the district to rehabilitate the remaining seven sections.
Other recipients include:
- The Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 91 will receive $5.6 million to replace 15,000 feet of water lines to retain water and ensure serviceability.
- The city of Mount Vernon will use $1.8 million to upsize a transmission line, identify and repair water distribution lines, rehabilitate the wastewater treatment plant and replace wastewater collection lines, brick manholes and clay pipes.
- The city of Eastland will receive $1.6 million to replace transmission lines and reduce system water loss.
- The Stryker Lake Water Supply Corporation will spend $990,000 to build a 50,000-gallon groundwater storage tank, aeration system and disinfection system.