A $19.6 million bond package that will fund construction projects at six school campuses in West Virginia’s Marion County will be up for voter approval in May. The proposed package includes construction, renovation and improvement projects that will revamp the school district’s educational and athletic facilities.
If approved, the bond would allocate $3.8 million to build a facility that will consolidate New East Park and Pleasant Valley elementary schools. The facility will feature more space, larger physical education areas, updated drop-off and pick-up spaces, updated HVAC systems and improved security systems. Once the facility is built, the district will close the other two schools.
Another $6.4 million would go toward improving the East Fairmont High School’s athletic facility and Fairmont Senior High School’s East-West Stadium, adding turf, bleachers, seating and repairing concrete steps. Additionally, the roof and drainage system at East Fairmont High School would be renovated.
Another $3.6 million will be used to add two classrooms as well as a 7,000-square-foot gym at Barrackville Elementary School and Middle School. At North Marion High School, $3.2 million would be used to replace classroom trailers with a three-classroom addition while adding walls and doors at Watson Elementary.
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